
I'm back! – and with a neat little site with Jekyll

Finally, I’ve setup a basic blog again on my website – I guess I just want a nice place to put random notes to self, and things like that, since I have a homelab that I setup recently (it’s the reason for me getting this domain!) and it might be nice to just write some interesting findings and processes through playing with those technologies.

I wanted a balance between a light, simple HTML page, but also convenience in updating this website with my hosting of choice – GitHub Pages. Conveniently, GitHub can automatically build Jekyll pages on push, so I decided to check it out, using custom layouts for the first time (I had used full-on Jekyll templates before, but it just feels a little, heavy?).

It turns out that you can simply write HTML pages, not only Markdown posts, and simply weave in those ‘moustache’ clauses to mix in dynamic content at build time, which is exactly what I wanted.

A primary goal of mine with this site is to keep it slim and usable – no heavy JavaScript frameworks, just simple ones where needed, and some CSS. Even if JavaScript is disabled, the site should still function perfectly, just with some reduced ’nice’ features, such as the translation on the front page. Heck, I’ve even made this website usable with a text-based browser (hopefully!), so feel free to give that a try!

So now we’re here! Hopefully I post more in the future… but we’ll see.